Registration is $25 per person and is non-refundable. Your registration packet will be ready for pick up during check-in at Bemidji High School. There will be volunteer classmates there to answer your questions about the weekend’s events. Your registration includes one Reunion Event Cup per registered attendee. To purchase beverages during the street dance, you must have your Reunion Event Cup! If you choose not to register, you will be required to purchase a cup for your beverage at the Saturday street dance. Customized name tags are available at the cost of $5 per tag. On the registration form, please include the number of name tags and provide the names as you would like them printed on the name tag.
If you paying for registration with the form below, upon submission you will be directed to a PayPal cart where you can pay using most credit cards as well as any PayPal account.
Print Registration Form and mail it to the address on the form (Bemidji All School Reunion, PO Box 2077, Bemidji, MN 56619). BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE CLASS YOU GRADUATED AS WELL AS MAIDEN NAME, IF APPLICABLE.
Thank you.